
  • The Library aims to promote intellectual growth and creativity by developing collections and facilitating access to information resources.
  • It also aims to be a strategic asset for the college, providing intellectual leadership and extraordinary information experiences towards the advancement of knowledge.


To support the faculty and students in pursuit of their information requirements by providing traditional library and ICT Enabled services.


  • The Library strives for Excellence in Learning and Research.
  • Provide high-quality services that meet and exceed the expectations of a diverse user Community.
  • Empower users to Locate, Evaluate and use information available in a variety of Innovative and Traditional formats.
  • Develop and maintain collections in support of the Academic pursuits of the College.

Reference books:

  • Reference books are  to be read in the library  itself . Contents from reference books can be photocopied if  required .
  • Students Library

Students Library:

  • Books are issued to the students on the Library membership form and on their I-cards.
  • Three books are issued at a time for a period of 07 days. Books may be reissued for another 10 days provided they are not demanded by other students.
  • Failure to return a book on expiry of due date will involve the payment of a fine of Rs. 02/book/day.
  • All library books must be returned 10 days before the examination form filling.
  • No dues are done at the time of clearance.

Book Bank:

  • All students who are availing the book bank facility must ensure returning the entire set of books provided to them within 3 days of completion of their final examination in the concerned semester/Term.
  • If any student availing the facility loses the book/damages the book / disfigures the book, he/she shall replace the volume(s) with new books (Or pay the current cost of the book plus fine, if any, as may be directed by authority).

 Instructions for Students:

  • Students are allowed to Library only on production of their authorized college ID cards.
  • No personal belongings and text books allowed inside the library.
  • Enter your name and sign in the entrance register kept at the entrance counter while using the library.
  • Strict silence to be maintained and no group study allowed inside the library.
  • Using mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
  • Books should be handled with care. Marking on the books, tearing pages etc. are most objectionable and may lead to initiation of stringent disciplinary action on the member.
  • Issuance of library books is limited to two for students.
  • Returns of books are mandatory before the due date mentioned in the due date slip attached to the book. A fine of Rs.2/book/day will be levied for overdue books.
  • Borrowed books are non-transferable and a borrower shall remain responsible for material issued to him/ her until it is returned.
  • Reference books, journals and magazines are only for consultation within the library and are not to be taken out of library premise.
  • The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
  • Users should obey the library rules and regulations. Violation of rules and any act of misbehavior to the library staff will lead to strong disciplinary action.

Library Collection

Document Category                                          Number
1. Books 11,944
2. Reference books 2,761
3. Text Books 9183
4. Titles 8484
5. Indian Journals 20
6. International Journals 15
7. Magazines 10
8. News Letter 05
9. News Papers 05
10. CDs and DVDs 50


Subject wise Books in Library Number
1. Education 6428
2. Elementary Education 950
3. Chemistry 460
4. Mathematics 629
5. Botany 330
6. Zoology 275
7. Computer Science 130
8. History 100
9. Geography 85
10. Sociology 110
11. Commerce 440
12. Physics 330
13. Management 210
14. English 50
15. Hindi 100
16. General Books 1015
17. Book Bank 1550


Mr. Niket Jyotishi

  • Reading Hall : The College Library has one reading hall with a total seating capacity of 100 .There is also computer and  wi-fi  facility with two  study  tables especially for Faculty members.
  • Book Bank: The College Library houses a Book Bank, with a rich collection of around 1500 books with yearly addition of around 50 books covering all the disciplines taught in the College. The books are procured in the Book Bank strictly keeping in view the demand of the students. It also renders  the services to the students by providing them with the text books (Maximum 05) of their choice for the whole academic session. The students are required to apply for getting this facility as and when notified. To ensure transparency in distribution, books are issued on first come first serve basis. Students are required to return these books before the commencement of their examinations to get Clearance/No Dues from the library.
  • Property Counter: The Library offers the facility of property counter to its users. Users are required to deposit their Bags (excluding valuable items such as money, passport, credit/debit cards/mobile phones etc.) with the property counter attendant before entering into the library. But they are advised not to carry any valuable belongings / cash / jewellery etc. for which they themselves be responsible.
  • User Orientation and Awareness : All the newly enrolled students are made aware about the various facilities provided by the College Library every year during Induction/Orientation Programme organized on the very first day of the start of the new academic session. The students are also helped and trained in searching the books in the College Library by the library staff.
  • Reference : College Library provides access to all reference collections including encyclopedias, yearbooks, dictionaries, biographies and competition book etc. All these reference books are for consultation only.
  • Newspaper , Journals & Magazines : Newspaper reading Huts and magazine stands are provided for the readers on each floor. There is also the facility of online as well offline educational
  • Reservation of Book : Books in great demand and which generally remain under issue can be reserved by the user at the Main Counter as well as Reserve Section.
  • Current Awareness Service : The Library provides various important services like Current Awareness Services (CAS), Newspaper Clipping Service, Reference Services, information regarding examinations, results, syllabus, etc.

The College Library Committee : The College Library is administered by the Library Committee.


St. Aloysius Institute of Technology (Education)
